Here are a couple tips to easily and safely put polo wraps onto your horses legs for protection or straight up style! Have fun with it and practice, practice, …
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How to Correctly Put Polo Wraps on Your Horse’s Legs
February 3, 2022 by ashbrooks
Filed Under: American Paint Horse, Arabian Horse, Barrel Racing, Carriage Driving, Cowboy, Dressage, Dressage, Endurance Horse Riding, English, Equestrian, Event Riding, Gypsy Horses, Horse, Hunter/Jumper, Learning Horse Basics, Morgan Horse, Mustangs, Para Equestrian, Police Horses, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Racehorse, Racehorse, Racing, Reining and Cutting Horses, Rodeo, Show Jumping, Tack and Equipment, Vaulting Gymnastics for Horses, Western, Western Dressage
“Concrete cowboys” have new home, new horse riding programs
January 3, 2022 by ashbrooks

Philadelphia Urban Riding Academy Executive Director Erin Brown with a young horseman. PURA will run its programs from Dream Park in New Jersey while its new facility is being built. © …
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Filed Under: American Paint Horse, Arabian Horse, Barrel Racing, Carriage Driving, Cowboy, Dressage, Dressage, Endurance Horse Riding, English, Equestrian, Event Riding, Favorite Things, Gypsy Horses, Horse, Hunter/Jumper, Mini Horse, Morgan Horse, Mustangs, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Racehorse, Reining and Cutting Horses, Rodeo, Show Jumping, Tack and Equipment, Vaulting Gymnastics for Horses, Western, Western Dressage
Horse Haircuts
December 29, 2021 by ashbrooks …
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Filed Under: American Paint Horse, Arabian Horse, Barrel Racing, Cowboy, Dressage, Dressage, Endurance Horse Riding, English, Equestrian, Event Riding, Horse, Hunter/Jumper, Learning Horse Basics, Mini Horse, Morgan Horse, Mustangs, Para Equestrian, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Racehorse, Racing, Reining and Cutting Horses, Rodeo, Show Jumping, Tack and Equipment, Vaulting Gymnastics for Horses, Western, Western Dressage
Competitive Mountain Trail Provides New Challenges
December 27, 2021 by ashbrooks

Photo: Tania Millen
Twenty years ago, the Oregon Horse Center in Eugene, Oregon held an indoor trail competition using log obstacles, water ponds, and dirt embankments to transform their arena …
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Shorten a Thick Mane
November 1, 2021 by ashbrooks …
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Filed Under: American Paint Horse, Arabian Horse, Barrel Racing, Cowboy, Dressage, Dressage, Endurance Horse Riding, English, Equestrian, Event Riding, Horse, Hunter/Jumper, Learning Horse Basics, Mini Horse, Morgan Horse, Mustangs, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Racehorse, Racehorse, Reining and Cutting Horses, Rodeo, Show Jumping, Western
Meet Taylor Renee Wideman + Fox Trot – International & National Champions, Youth Pleasure Driving
December 16, 2020 by EquineVIP
Wonder what it takes to win a Youth Pleasure Driving World & National Championship Title for both the American Miniature Horse Association and the American …
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Filed Under: American Paint Horse, Arabian Horse, Barrel Racing, Carriage Driving, Cowboy, Dressage, Dressage, Endurance Horse Riding, English, Equestrian, Event Riding, Feature, Gypsy Horses, Horse, Hunter/Jumper, Mini Horse, Morgan Horse, Mustangs, Para Equestrian, Police Horses, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Racehorse, Racing, Reining and Cutting Horses, Rodeo, Show Jumping, Tack and Equipment, Vaulting Gymnastics for Horses, Videos, Western, Western Dressage