Guidelines from Equestrian Nutritionist Dr. Getty on feeding the horse in transition to domesticated.
If there’s one thing we can say about the benefit of being wild (or feral, in healthful …
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Adopting a Wild or Feral Mustang?
The Secret to Healthy Horses?

By Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.
We know they’re out there. Horses who are enjoying life. Horses who are brimming with health – strong muscles, shiny coats, hard hooves, good digestion, normal metabolism, …
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Salt & Electrolytes

Sodium chloride (NaCl) is required by every horse, all year round. The typical dose for a full-sized horse is one ounce per day. That translates into 1 level tablespoon (15 ml), twice daily. Salt can …
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Feeding the Top Performer

Dr Juliet Getty - Feeding the Top Performer
We all admire the equine athlete, the captivating blend of speed, control, grace and endurance. But the added stress of performance requires an optimal …
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Winter Feeding For Your Horse

Winter Feeding for Your Horse
Horse's love the cold weather. But there are some protections that need to be put in place to protect them against dehydration, lack of sufficient sunlight, excessive …
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Feeding the Top Performer

Dr. Juliet Getty website
We all admire the equine athlete, the captivating blend of speed, control, grace and endurance. But the added stress of performance requires an optimal diet, with plenty of …
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