By Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.
We know they’re out there. Horses who are enjoying life. Horses who are brimming with health – strong muscles, shiny coats, hard hooves, good digestion, normal metabolism, …
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The Secret to Healthy Horses?
Caring for Horses in Cold Weather

During dark winter months, we often start to worry about our horses being outside in the cold. How do they stay warm? Horses adapt very well to colder weather. During the fall months, as temperatures …
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How to Braid Your Horse …
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We can dream can't we? Equestrian Living Magazine takes a peek at the supermodel's equestrian estate. …
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Your Horse: Heat Stress and Hydration

Dreamstime/Jason Mark Schulz
Is it hot enough for you?
If you feel suppressed by repeated days of hot and humid weather, you can be sure that your horse feels worse.
Horses have …
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Shania Twain: Why Not?
Shania Twain
Fun to revisit Shania Twain's visit with horseman Ramone Becerra. Shania came to visit for a trail ride, BBQ and to film part of an episode of her show …
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