Does your horse hate being groomed? Does it flinch and try to evade the curry comb? You may have a horse that’s ultra sensitive to grooming, which calls for a different approach...
Here are seven …
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Seven Tips for Grooming Sensitive Horses
Dodgers Story With Cushings Disease
Understanding the symptoms of Cushings in horses can lead to earlier diagnosis and effective treatment
After 17 years of marriage, she heard her husband say he was ready for a horse of his …
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A Heacock Trailer For Encore!
Award winning artist, Catalina McIsaac shares adventures with her horse Encore! on their fun blog. We share their story on buying a trailer to begin the pair's journey. Enjoy! …
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Be Prepared so Your Horses Stay Safe this Fire Season

Be Prepared so Your Horses Stay Safe this Fire Season Nicole Chastain Price, who has had to evacuate horses seven times in her years as a barn manager, rider, owner, and trainer, has good advice for …
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Natural Horseman Kerry Kuhn
Kerry Kuhn calls his method for successful training “Practical Horsemanship” and after watching his interview you’ll understand why. Don’t miss his hair raising ride …
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A Pro’s tips to Photographing Your Horse
Pro Photographer Nigel Skeet
Tired of typical photography shots of your horse?
Nigel Skeet has photographed everything from rock stars to fashion, but he’s …
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