What happens when two top notch professional trainers from two very different riding disciplines join up? The synergy created by the unique preciseness of Dressage and the hot blooded energy of the …
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Dressage and Charro Pro’s Share Tips With Equine VIP
Home Made Treats For Your Horse

By TPH Intern Mackenzie Shuman | Photo by Andrew Ryback Photography
Why buy expensive horse treats at the store when you can make some from household ingredients? We have compiled some of our …
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Prestigious Om El Arab Opens Its Door to Equine VIP

This episode takes you behind the stall doors of the world famous Arabian Farm, Om El Arab International. We'll meet its owners and learn more about the rich history …
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Nick Jonas takes wife Priyanka Chopra for horseback ride

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary in December.
And the occasion marked a year of the couple serving total marriage goals for their combined 79 million …
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500 Miles

The purpose of this innovative short film is to start a new, universally-understood conversation around the necessity of struggle, challenge and perseverance as they …
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Horse Health by the Season

Winter, spring, summer, or fall…all you’ve got to do is remember what your horse needs to stay healthy. A seasonal guide by BARB CRABBE, DVM will help you.
Pumpkin-spiced lattes and cold, crisp …
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