With their striking looks, the Andalusian and Lusitano breeds seem to be plucked from a fairy tale. Both breeds have an abundance of hair, with enviable manes and tails. How do their owners, trainers, …
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Pro Tip: Mane and Tail Care
October 23, 2018 by EquineVIP
Filed Under: Barrel Racing, Dressage, Equestrian, Gypsy Horses, Horse Tails, Hunter/Jumper, Para Equestrian, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Rodeo
Which Horse Commercial is Your Favorite?
October 22, 2018 by EquineVIP

https://youtu.be/Wzq2MnJY0T8 …
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Filed Under: Barrel Racing, Cowboy, Dressage, Equestrian, Horse Hero, Hunter/Jumper, Polo, Rodeo
Champion Cowboy Mounted Shooter Kenda Lenseigne on Equine VIP
October 22, 2018 by EquineVIP

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Filed Under: Barrel Racing, Cowboy, Dressage, Equestrian, Feature, Hunter/Jumper, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Rodeo, Videos
Does Your Horse Need An Equine Nutritionist?
October 18, 2018 by EquineVIP

Have you ever thought about an equine nutrition consultant for your horse? Meet Dr. Juliet Getty who asks the following questions - see if they apply to you and your horse:
1. You have an athlete …
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Filed Under: Barrel Racing, Dr. Getty, Dressage, Equestrian, Hunter/Jumper, Para Equestrian, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Racing, Rodeo
Fergus the Horse and his Comic Creator Jean Abernethy
October 18, 2018 by EquineVIP

Fergus the Horse was first created into a comic strip by Jean Abernethy in 2004 and has been published in numerous horse publications. Jean’s work has taken her coast-to-coast to farms and equestrian …
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Filed Under: Barrel Racing, Cowboy, Dressage, Equestrian, Horse Digest, Hunter/Jumper, Para Equestrian, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Racing, Rodeo
Tik Maynard’s Book In The Middle Are The Horsemen
September 27, 2018 by EquineVIP

Really enjoyed Tik Maynard's book In The Middle Are The Horsemen. Tik's journey as a working student for a variety of top trainers in a variety of riding disciplines includes David O'Connor, Johann …
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Filed Under: Barrel Racing, Cowboy, Dressage, Equestrian, Favorite Things, Hunter/Jumper, Polo, Pro Rodeo, Rodeo