What happens when two top notch professional trainers -- from two very different riding disciplines -- join up? The synergy created by the unique preciseness of …
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Dressage and Charro Pro’s Help Each Other
Helen Mirren Learns to Drive for her Role in 1923

Helen Mirren
Actress Helen Mirren told AARP Magazine, "I've been on the back of a horse many times in my life, but when I signed on to 1923, I told them, I don't ride now." She learned buggy …
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Lunging Horses – Why Bother?

Lunging Horses - The HOOFBEAT
Leaving the lunge line in the tack room seems logical when time is of the essence. Skipping extra steps is compatible with our instant society. For many riders, …
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The Riding Doctor

The Riding Doctor - Beth Glosten MD
After leaving horses behind to pursue her medical career, Dr. Beth Glosten later found time to ride again. She discovered as a middle-aged woman tension, …
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Feeding the Top Performer

Dr Juliet Getty - Feeding the Top Performer
We all admire the equine athlete, the captivating blend of speed, control, grace and endurance. But the added stress of performance requires an optimal …
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EquineVIP Horse Shampoo + Conditioner

EquineVIP Horse Shampoo + Conditioner
The perfect Christmas gift for barn buddies, trainers, or yourself! This time of year, we have to give a shout out to our own EquineVIP horse shampoo + …
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