I'm helping a friend drive her horse to Chicago. Always a good idea to check a trailer to make sure your horse is safe. Cowboy Spirit TV wants to help you and your …
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Safe Horse Trailer Tips
A Polo Player Concentrates on Core Values

Sara Rotman, fashion-media executive and dedicated horsewoman, began doing Pilates for strength and flexibility after taking up competitive polo. Sara Rotman spends almost as much time in an airplane …
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Vegetable Oil For Your Horse?

The ingredient list is your most important source of information when evaluating a feed or supplement for your horse. Items within the ingredient list must be presented in a certain order. According …
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Rodeo champion Amberley Snyder back in the saddle after paralysis 6 years ago

By the time she was 18 years old, Amberley Snyder was already living her dream as a serious rodeo competitor.
She had just won a world championship, was hitting the finals in other competitions, and …
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Obese horses lose weight on free-choice hay

Researchers from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition in the United Kingdom examined[i] how much weight obese ponies and horses lost when fed all the hay …
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How To Clean Your Tack
Cloudy or snowy weather conditions? Its a good day to clean your tack, and here is how. …
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