Winter travel for horse owners creates a fear of trailering due to the lack of confidence as to whether or not our horse is comfortable. While we have the amenity of a heated vehicle and some of us …
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Keeping Horses Comfortable During Winter Travel
Paint Horses & “Painted Ladies” Show Skills at Rosebowl Parade

Do you watch the New Year's Day Rose bowl parade and its flashy horses? Equine VIP caught up with busy drill team "Painted Ladies" as they practiced for their appearance at the annual Rose Bowl …
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Guatemalan Pack Horses Receive Much Needed Healthcare & Nutrition

Most of the horses in rural Guatemala walk 20 to 30 kilometers a day carrying firewood or crops, and help their owners earn an average of $100 to $150 US dollars per month. Veterinary care for can be …
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Orphaned Pony Steals Hearts and Wins Fans for Give a Buck

What do Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, Annie and Harry Potter have in common? Like Annie, the miniature horse recently named the Pony Ambassador for Give a Buck for Special Equestrians, they were orphans. …
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Is Your Horse Gaining Weight?

The health risks associated with obesity in humans are also very much present in horses and ponies. Overweight horses and ponies can develop a laundry list of health problems if they don’t consume a …
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Body Clipping a Horse For Beginners

It's that time of year! Give it a try yourself. …
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