Raymond Petterson – the President of Sox For Horses, Inc says his favorite mantra is “keep it simple sweetie”. So when his horse started showing signs of arthritis he found a myriad of information about natural therapies including acupuncture, homeopathics, supplements, herbs and improved medical treatments for relieving a horse’s pain from arthritis.
He created Whinny Warmers® when he realized warmth made his arthritis feel better in the winter, so why not try it on his horse? Summer Whinnys® have just been introducted when Raymond realized that every time his horse stomped her hoof to the ground to shake off flies, the percussion of that stomp caused pain in her arthritic legs. The new Summer Whinnys® not only protect the legs from flies but also have improved wicking and antimicrobial properties because of the unique yarn they are made of. For more information www.whinnywarmers.com